Jewish Prayer

How do we converse with G‑d? when is the proper time to do so? What's the objective? Explore the world of Jewish Prayers - as illuminated by the teachings of kabbalah and Chassidism.

To learn more click here >> 

To join us for a Shabbat prayer at Chabad of the South Shore please contact us here, for dates and location.



Shabbat Kiddush is a great opportunity to partake in traditional Shabbat cuisine, share the news of the week, and enjoy the warmth and companionship of the community. Following davening and parsha discussion on Shabbat mornings, all are welcome to join a Kiddush luncheon.

Stories and L'chaims create an environment that is both enjoyable and uplifting.

To sponsor a kiddush in memory of a loved one, in honor of a birthday or anniversary, Yahrtzeit or special occasion please contact us