Bringing the High Holidays to life. The Making It Meaningful series is designed to bring the High Holidays to life, even if it will be celebrated from your home. Each lesson will give you a general overview of the festival, guidance in its many customs and traditions and insights that will provide you with a greater understanding and appreciation of it's meaning and depth. The lessons will also provide a detailed How-To section for complex Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services and the varied traditions of Sukkot and Simchas Torah.
Organizer: Rabbi Levi Lezell Email: [email protected] Phone: 617-862-2770
Date/Time: Lesson 1, Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, September 2, 6-7 pm Lesson 2, Yom Kippur: Tuesday, September 9, 6-7 pm Lesson 3, Sukkot: Sunday, September 19, 6-7 pm
Suggested Donation: $18 per class
Make It Meaningful At Home